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A Holiday in Delhi
Word | Meaning |
Window (ৱিনড’) | খিৰিকী |
Speeding (স্পিডিঙ) | খুব বেগেৰে গৈ থকা |
Pestered (পেষ্টৰড) | আমনি কৰিছিল |
Holiday (হলিদেই) | বন্ধৰ দিন |
Pleaded (প্লিডেড) | অনুৰোধ কৰিলে |
Fully Supported (ফুল্লি চাপৰটেড) | সম্পূৰ্ণ সমৰ্থিত |
Begged (বেগ্ড্) | ভিক্ষা কৰিছিল |
Fondly (ফন্দলী) | মৰমেৰে, অনুৰাগেৰে |
Recalled (ৰিক’ল্ড) | মনত পেলাইছিল |
Reluctant (ৰিলাক্টেন্ট) | বিৰক্ত, অনিচ্ছুক |
Worry | চিন্তা |
Ultimately (আল্টিমেটলি) | অৱশেষত |
Agree (এগ্ৰি) | সন্মত হোৱা |
Mischievous (মিচছিভাছ) | দুষ্ট |
Arranged (এৰেঞ্জড) | যোগাৰ কৰা, সজ্জিত |
Booked (বুক্ড্) | আৰক্ষিত কৰা |
Trip (ট্ৰিপ) | ভ্ৰমণ |
Chalked out (চকড্ আউট) | ৰূপৰেখা প্ৰস্তুত কৰা |
Lavish (লভিছ) | আড়ম্বৰপূৰ্ণ |
Wonderful (ৱন্দাৰফুল) | আচৰ্শ্বকৰ |
Complimentary (কমপ্লিমেন্টেৰী) | পৰিপূৰক |
Breakfast (ব্ৰেকফাস্ট) | জলপান |
Especially (এচপিচিয়েলি) | বিশেষকৈ |
Amazed (এমেজড) | আচৰিত |
Huge (হিউজ) | ডাঙৰ , প্ৰকাণ্ড |
Shouted (চাউটেড) | চিঞৰিছিল |
Excitedly (এক্সাইটেডলী) | উত্তেজিতহৈ |
Luxury (লাক্জাৰি) | বিলাসী, বিলাসিতা |
Afford (এৰ্ফড) | সামৰ্থ্য |
Felt (ফেল্ট) | অনুভৱ কৰিছিল |
Wonderful (ৱনডাৰফুল) | আশ্চৰ্যজনক |
Suddently (চাডেন্টলি) | হঠাতে |
Below (বিল’) | তলত |
Bent down (বেন্ট ডাউন) | তললৈ হাউলী পৰা |
Picked up (পিক্ড আপ) | তুলি লৈছিল |
Wallet (ৱালেট) | ধনৰ মোনা |
Floor (ফ্ল’ৰ) | মজিয়া |
Beside (বিচাইড) | কাষত |
Usual (ইউজুৱেল) | সচৰাচৰ |
Asleep (এশ্লীপ) | শুই পৰা |
Embarrassed (এমব্ৰেচড্) | লাজ পোৱা |
Habit (হেবিত) | অভ্যাস |
Find (ফাইন্দ) | বিচাৰ |
owner (অ’নাৰ) | মালিক |
Woke up (ৱ’ক আপ) | জগাই দিছিল |
Trace (ট্ৰেছ) | সন্ধান কৰক |
Returned (ৰিটাৰ্ণড) | উভতাই দিছিল |
Slip of paper (স্লিপ অৱ পেপাৰ) | কাগজৰ টুকুৰা |
Worried (ৱৰিদ) | চিন্তা কৰিছিল |
Visiting (ভিজিটিঙ) | দৰ্শন কৰা |
Described (ডেচক্ৰইৱড) | বৰ্ণনা কৰিছিল |
Hour’s time (আৱাৰচ টাইম) | এ ঘন্টা সময় |
Hand over (হেন্দ অভাৰ) | সপি দিয়া |
Meanwhile (মিনহোৱাইল) | ইফালে, এনে সময়তে |
Fixed (ফিক্সড) | স্থিৰ কৰিলে |
Stood (ষ্টুড) | থিয় হৈছিল |
Introduced (ইন্ট্ৰ’ডিউচ্ড) | চিনাকী কৰি দিয়া |
Businessman (বিছনেছমেন) | ব্যৱসায়ী |
Offering (অফাৰিঙ) | প্ৰস্তাৱ কৰা |
Keep in touch (কিপ ইন টাচ্চ) | সংযোগত থকা |
SCERT Class 6 English Free Study Materials
Q. 1. Let’s see how much you have understood the lesson. Read the sentences below and put a tick on the correct option to complete each sentence.
(a) Rishov, Rishika and their parents went to Delhi during their
(i) Summar holidays
(ii) Puja holidays
(iii) Winter holidays
(iv) Bihu holidays
Answer: (ii) Puja holidays.
(b) They went to Delhi by
(i) air
(ii) bus
(iii) train
(iv) their own car
Answer: (iii) train
(c) Mapple Inn is a lovely
(i) palace
(ii) fort
(iii) restaurant
(iv) hotel
Answer: (iv) hotel
(d) Rishov found a wallet lying on the
(i) seat of the bus
(ii) floor of the hotel
(iii) floor of the bus
(iv) bus stop
Answer: (iii) floor of the bus
(e) The person who dialed the number was
(i) Rishov
(ii) Rishov’s father
(iii) Rishika
(iv) Rishov and Rishika’s mother
Answer: (i) Rishov
(f) The person who was very happy to receive the wallet was
(i) Rishika
(ii) Rishov
(iii) Rajeev Sharma
(iv) Rishov and Rishika’s father
Answer: (iii) Rajeev Sharma
Q. 2. Here are some sentences about Rishov and Rishika’s holiday. Arrange the sentences in the chronological order (as they happened in the story).
(a) They saw the Red Fort and India Gate.
(b) They went to Agra.
(c) Rishov and Rishika pleaded with their father for a holiday trip to Delhi.
(d) They returned the wallet to owner.
(e) Tickets were bought and the hotel was booked.
(f) Rishov found and picked up a wallet lying on the floor of the bus.
Answer: Here I am arranging the sentences in chronological order-
(c) Rishov and Rishika pleaded with their father for a holiday trip to Delhi.
(e) Tickets were bought and the hotel was booked.
(a) They saw the Red Fort and India Gate.
(f) Rishov found and picked up a wallet lying on the floor of the bus.
(b) They went to Agra.
Q. 3. (a) What is a diary entry? Read to know.
A diary entry is a written record of one’s thoughts, feelings, opinions and plans that have occured during the day. These entries are arranged by date.
Diary writing format:
(i) Write the date of the entry on the left hand corner of the entry.
(ii) Choose the topic of entry.
(iii) One can address the diary as ‘Dear Diary’ or give the diary a name.
(b) Rishov is trying to record the important points about their holiday in his diary. Working with a friend, read the lesson and help Rishov to complete his diary entry:
October 5th : Started our journey to Delhi.
Placed we visited. : __ , __ and __
Hotel we stayed in : __________
What I found under my seat : ___________
Who it belonged to. : ___________
How I found Mr. Sharma. : ___________
Where I returned the wallet : ___________
The most memorable thing
about our vacation : ___________
October 5th : Started our journey to Delhi.
Placed we visited. : Red Fort , India Gate and Taj Mahal
Hotel we stayed in : Maple Inn
What I found under my seat : A wallet
Who it belonged to : Rajeev Sharma
How I found Mr. Sharma. : I found Mr Sharma’s number inside the pocket of a wallet written in a slip.
Where I returned the wallet : At the tourist bus stop near the Taj Mahal.
The most memorable thing
about our vacation : Huge structure of Red Fort, India gate and Taj Mahal are the most memorble things we have seen in Delhi during puja vacation.
Q. 4. Now, try to record the important points about one of your holidays. You may work in groupd to complete your diary entry. You can check the points on the left if you like.
Date of your jouney : Place you visited : Place you stayed in : What you did there : What interesting things happened to you : What you most liked about that holiday : Which place you would like to visit in future : |
Q. 5. Rishika is talking on her mobile phone with her friend Minati who lives in Delhi. Read the conversation between Rishika and Minati. The conversation is not given in proper order. Re-arrange the sentences spoken and write them in sequence in the space given.
* Fine. How are you rishika? * OK dear. I’ll be at the airport
* Are you coming by air? * We’ll reach on 5th October.
* Are you coming by air? * Hello! How are you Minati?
* Yes, by Air India. * Oh! It’ll be a nice to meet you all again. When are you coming?
Now work in pairs. Practise the conversation with a friend of yours.
Q. 6. Let’s learn some negative sentences. They are sentences that express a negative meaning using ‘No’ or ‘Not’.
Look at the following sentence:
“I don’t know how to thank you.”
- The form “I don’t know” is negative.
- The positive form is “I know”.
- When there is no auxiliary (helping) verb before the main verb we use ‘do’ + ‘not’, which is shortend to ‘don’t’ in the present tense and ‘didn’t’ in the past tense.
- If there is an auxiliary, the ‘not’ comes after the auxiliary, as follows:
(a) I would like to meet Rajeev Sharma.
I wouldn’t like to meet Rajeev Sharma.
(b) I will give you the book.
I won’t give you the book.
Here are some sentences from the lesson or related to the story. Change the sentences into negative:
(i) We’ll go by air.
Answer: We’ll not go by air.
(ii) Their mother too was on their side.
Answer: Their mother too was not on their side.
(iii) The red fort amazed them
Answer: The Red Fort didn’t amaze them.
(iv) Rishov’s father booked two rooms in the hotel.
Answer: Rishov’s father didn’t book two rooms in the hotel.
(v) The wallet must be returned.
Answer: The wallet must not be returned.
(vi) Rishov told him how he had found the wallet.
Answer: Rishov didn’t tell him how he had found the wallet.
(vii) He gave the man the bus number.
Answer: He didn’t give the man the bus number.
(viii) Open the wallet, please.
Answer: Don’t open the wallet, please.
Sl. No. | Contents (Class 6 English) |
Chapter 1 | The Rainbow |
Chapter 2 | Tom Sawyer |
Chapter 3 | Dhyan Chand |
Chapter 4 | Use of ICT |
Chapter 5 | A Holiday in Delhi |
Chapter 6 | Pollution |
Chapter 7 | The Mountain And The Squirrel |
Chapter 8 | I Love My Country |
Q. 8) Find new words from each of the following words and write them out in the space given. One is done for you.
below wallet person father smile lawns
low ___ ___ ___ ___ ___
Answer: below wallet person father smile lawns
low let son her mile law
Find more such words from your text and add them to your list.
Q. 9. Read each row of the table below and make a sentence taking the words from each of them:
Here is an example :
Rang Ghar | Sivasagar | monument |
Rang har is a monument in Sivasagar, Assam.
The name | Where it is | What it is |
1. Taj Mahal | Agra | monument |
2. Maple Inn | South Delhi | hotel |
3. Red Fort | Delhi | fort |
4. India Gate | Delhi | monument |
5. Agra Fort | Delhi | fort |
1. Taj Mahal is a monument in Agra.
2. Maple Inn is a hotel in South Delhi.
3. Red Fort is a fort in Delhi.
4. India Gate is a monument in Delhi.
5. Agra Fort is a fort in Delhi.
Q. 10. Did you like reading about Rishov and Rishika’s holiday? Imagine you are planning to visit a place of your interest. How would you prepare youself for the vist? Write a few sentences about your plan. You may include the following points:
(a) How you will travel
(b) who will go with you.
(c) what you plan to see.
(d) how you are feeling about the visit
Answer: (a) I will travel by bus
(b) I will travel with my elder brother.
(c) I am planning to see Rang ghar, Kareng Ghar, Shiva Dol.
(d) I am quite excited as this is the first time I’m visiting Sivasagar.
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